Category: Uncategorized
What do you call an isopod?
Here are some of our isopods, I have several new varieties coming in soon. They are known regionally by different names– Rollie pollie, pill bug, potato bug, isopod. What do you call isopods, where you are from? Read more
Hissing Roaches!
Here are two of our hissing roaches. One of my son’s favorites, they are handled often. They are called Madagascar hissing cockroaches because they hiss through the spiracles along their abdomen, creating a hissing noise. Those spiracles are actually how they breathe, kind of like human nostrils. However, they do not sense smell through their… Read more
Luna Moths
The Luna Moth caterpillars are growing up nicely. Look how big they are getting! From a tiny egg until now. Though they prefer Sweet Gum leaves as food, I have these eating Black Walnut, as they eat these as well. As with most caterpillars, they are specific as to what they eat. Read more
Termites! Can you spot the soldier?
I finally acquired a Termitat. It is a termite habitat which lets you see the inner workings of a termite colony. Look at our good soldier protecting his workers. No queen at the moment, but soon enough one of the workers will emerge as the new queen. We may lose the soldier temporarily as the… Read more